Spreading Kindness at ALA
Kindness Is The Key
Even though the last month has presented us with some difficult challenges due to COVID-19, we have found that our ALA community is helping one another overcome these obstacles together with one "key" word: kindness. Thank you to our teachers, staff, and families who have displayed kindness and patience during this time and who are willing to lend a (virtual) helping hand. Even though our students aren’t physically in the classrooms, they are still receiving lessons online at home through Google Classrooms. This wouldn’t be possible without our dedicated teachers and staff.
American Leadership Academy Gilbert North sophomore Peyton Connell wrote and performed a special song that reminds us to spread kindness to our family and friends, stay positive, and remember that we are all in this together.
We added her beautiful and inspiring lyrics to pictures and videos of our ALA students reminding everyone that "Kindness is the Key."
Kindness Is The Key: Video
Video link: https://youtu.be/0aUSIi03vtw
Spreading Kindness at ALA
"There's just one thing we need to spread. We need kindness in our lives night and day. There is light in you. It comes to me. It comes to you."
Peyton, thank you for shining a bright light during some difficult times.